Changed 13 years ago by charles. I think this problem is related to multiple core cpu. Note2: At the moment I cannot reproduce it Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets. Ticket can be closed after it's a confirmed fix. In [] Carry over [] from trunk. Ticket will be closed after it's a confirmed fix. Powered by Trac 1. Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago. Description I've found a annoying bug in Mythfrontend UI.
Attachments 4 gdb-mythfrontend. Segfault in mythUI Download all attachments as:. Oldest first Newest first Threaded. Show comments Show property changes.
How do you mean? Changed 12 years ago by banogabor …. Ok, I'm reproduced this fault and attached the result to this ticket. This manual takes you through a detailed walk through into the various backend configuration options. Before doing this, a few ground concepts and terms should be explained so that the backend setup tasks sound logical to you:. With the backend of MythTV we mean the portion of the system that enables you to use capture devices as well as Scheduling Recordings on those cards, Commercial Detection , and transcoding.
In short the backend process interacts with the Database and the hardware primarily. The frontend and backend may be physically on the same hardware. This is the normal case with somebody starting out with a new system. In this case, backend and frontend setup are done on the same machine. As with the Mythfrontend , there can be multiple backends. One backend computer is designated as the master backend.
This is usually the first backend installed on a system. This backend is responsible for coordinating the activities of the other backends known as slaves. This is especially true for scheduling as the master backend will determine the best distribution of programs across all available tuners. Each backend can have any number of tuners. Commercial Detection can be distributed across different backends, thereby spreading the load of that process.
The backend setup program is run on each backend computer. It uses a user interface that is designed for a TV screen, like the frontend. If the backend does not have a physical display attached, the backend setup can still be run remotely from another computer, using ssh Forwarding.
If you compiled from source the backend will not run until you have setup at least one tuner. The user that runs the backend also needs this, but if you installed from a package this would probably already have been done for the backend user. You can download and select a theme in the frontend, and the theme will also be used for MythTV setup. The theme is stored in your home directory, so you need to use the same login user id for the frontend and for setup, if you want to use the theme for MythTV Setup.
To change the theme you will have to run the frontend. If your backend is not running the frontend will display a large error message. However you can ignore this error message and still proceed with changing the theme. The error message that the backend is not running will redisplay every few seconds, just ignore it and select your theme, then exit from the front end.
While running the backend setup, the backend must be shut down. Otherwise changing existing card inputs, deleting anything, or scanning for channels may not work. If you installed the Ubuntu or Mythbuntu package, a shell script will take care of that for you. If you built from source you should make sure to stop the backend before running setup. From mythtv 31 using Ubuntu or Mythbuntu package You will be asked to input a password to stop or start mythtv-backend.
The password required is for the current user login not the mythtv user database password. The reason is that mythtv-backend is started or stopped using systemctl commands which require sudo permission. The first time you run this on a new database, you will be prompted to select your Country and Language.
If setup exits after this, run it again. You may be prompted to upgrade your database. Confirm the upgrade. You will now see the GUI for MythTV to setup the backend server and in particular the channel tuning for our broadcast streams. These screens are designed for use with a TV and keyboard.
The mouse will not work consistently. With the keyboard use up and down arrow to move between fields. Use the left and right arrow to select options from a list. The General backend settings are described here. The rest of the settings are described in the next article. Ensure that you've granted access to the same MySQL database that the master backend uses for remote backends.
This is also needed for remote frontends. Failure to access the correct database will cause unexpected behavior such as empty "Watch Recordings" lists and a failure to locate the Video Sources defined on the master backend. Modify the config. Caveat: You may make a remote backend the primary MySQL server, or run a non-MythTV database on a remote backend as long as you have edited the config. Make sure that the IP addresses on the General setup screen are accurate.
If the remote backend can't communicate with the master backend due to IP address misconfiguration then MythTV will not function properly. Configuration of a non-master backend follows the same general procedure as that of the master backend, with the exception that you skip over the "Video Sources" step. All possible video sources need to be defined on the master backend system; only the master backend will query a listings provider to obtain guide data for all the non-master backends.
In almost all cases, "Storage Groups" are configured on the master backend too. For a detailed writeup, see Storage Groups. The General settings is where you will set up the core settings of your backend.
Setup Capture Cards. Setup Recording Profiles. Setup Video Sources. Setup Input Connections. Setup Channel Editor. Setup Storage Directories.